rejected! in slanted blue beveled text

Natalee Decker

a dreamy CG illustration of a transparent bed with twishing white
      headboard. The bed rests at an angle on a reflective floor surrounded by
     reflective bubble shapes and white twisting curls.


Submission guidelines:

Anyone who self-identifies as disabled is welcome to send in submissions.All submissions should include an image representing your bed, as well as words accompanying the image.The image can be a photo of your bed, an illustration you have made, a small comic, etc. If you want to send in more than one option you can send up to three images, but only one will be chosen The words can be as short as two words and a maximum of 500 words, and can take the form of poetry, fiction or nonfiction. If your submission is chosen, your images and words will be published together in the zine.

My Submission:


I collect things in my bed...
like crusted discharge on flannel sheets
books I never read
awkward dreams of walking running climbing
and sweat
lipstick smudges parched vibrators
hair ties silk bandanas octopus clips
unsealed return envelopes in unopened mail
cat hair computer charger
blood stains night serum
cookie crumbs thera-band
and clothes that smell like spice and dust



Natalee Decker (she/her) is a Chicago born Los Angeles based artist currently pursuing her undergraduate degree at UCLA, majoring in Design | Media Arts and minoring in Disability Studies. Employing a multidisciplinary and ever shifting approach, she investigates the disability aesthetic and the transformation of scarred memories. She is a white queer disabled cis-gender woman.

[ID: a dreamy CG illustration of a transparent bed with twishing white headboard. The bed rests at an angle on a reflective floor surrounded by reflective bubble shapes and white twisting curls.]

Natalee Decker's IG

a very cute and colorful CG character seen standing from an overhead perspective with blue and green hat with a white star, big round eyes, and a big striped arm reaching up and giving a middle finger.